Backpacking in Ouachita National Forest, Arkansas
White Sands National Park, New Mexico
I’m Irene Ogeto, a Texas native by way of Kenya, Africa, traveling the world, hiking and loving every moment.
I didn’t grow up camping or hiking. I grew up playing outside with my neighborhood friends. I spent most of my days as a child outside and by outside I mean on the playground, hanging on the monkey bars until the blisters appear, playing hide and seek, jump roping, the occasional flag football or whatever creative game we came up with. My time outside with my siblings and friends was very memorable and I can’t imagine doing anything else as a child.
Flash forward to college, where I found a new kind of “outside.” I was introduced to this world of outdoor adventure by my friends. My first camping trip, a trip that I actually planned for a church event, was at Lake Ray Roberts State Park in Pilot Point, Texas. If I knew then what I know now, I probably would’ve planned a better camping trip. However, I remember the impeccable feeling I got from disconnecting with the rest of the world and connecting with nature. I left that trip knowing that I needed to make that apart of my daily life.
Now more than ever, I am passionate about the outdoors. I love to hike. I love to go camping. I love to be surrounded by nature. There is something about nature that cannot be explained because it has to be experienced. It is my mission to educate and inspire others to experience nature and the profound effects it brings.
Happy Hiking!
—Black Hiking Queen